Host a Dialogue

What Types of Dialogues Can I Host?

Community Groups

  • Neighborhood associations: Resolving disputes, planning community events, and addressing shared concerns.
  • Religious congregations: Fostering understanding among diverse members, addressing ethical dilemmas, and strengthening community bonds.
  • Civic organizations: Engaging with local government, advocating for policy changes, and promoting community well-being.

Educational Institutions

  • Schools and universities: Improving student engagement, addressing diversity issues, and fostering a positive learning environment.
  • Faculty and staff: Resolving conflicts, enhancing collaboration, and promoting professional development.
  • Students: Developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and intercultural competence.

Workplace Settings

  • Teams: Improving communication, building trust, and increasing productivity.
  • Leadership: Developing effective leadership skills, fostering employee engagement, and addressing organizational challenges.
  • Human resources: Resolving conflicts, promoting diversity and inclusion, and enhancing employee well-being.

Government and Policy Making

  • Legislators: Building consensus, addressing complex issues, and developing effective policies.
  • Government agencies: Improving communication with stakeholders, addressing public concerns, and promoting transparency.
  • Policymakers: Engaging with diverse perspectives, developing innovative solutions, and promoting evidence-based decision-making.

Healthcare Settings

  • Healthcare teams: Improving communication, reducing medical errors, and enhancing patient care.
  • Patients and providers: Building trust, addressing health concerns, and promoting shared decision-making.
  • Healthcare administrators: Resolving conflicts, improving organizational culture, and promoting quality improvement.

Days of Dialogue Special Projects

CD10 Women in Transition Demonstration Program

Days of Dialogue is pleased to partner with Council District 10 to pilot the CD 10 Women in Transition Demonstration Project. The goal of this project is to engage at least 50 women who are residing in interim housing in a dialogue/mediation series focused on building their confidence and esteem to support their movement into permanent housing. We will facilitate 3- 8-week dialogue sessions.

This dialogue series will take place onsite at two interim housing sites in CD 10. Unlike traditional dialogue, these dialogues will follow an evolving-curriculum and include suggested hands-on activities such as journaling, vision-board making, and budgeting, to create a brave space for sharing and supporting the collective exchange of knowledge. 

For this project, facilitators must undergo the following: 

  1. Submit proof of a negative TB test – taken within the past 12 months
  2. LiveScan report – each of the host site’s agency will share their LiveScan form
  3. Completion of a volunteer application from each hosting agency
  4. Participation in a site orientation
  5. Attend up to two trainings on the homelessness response system and best practices
  6. Attend a weekly facilitators’ debrief.
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